Thursday, June 26, 2014

Blog Prompt: What would you do if you were locked inside your favorite department store overnight?

My favorite store would be Hastings. If I were to be locked in there overnight, I'd spend the entire time reading, watching movies, and browsing/listening to music, all while snacking on popcorn, candy, and maybe some coffee. It'd be like a dream come true! Also, if I had my friends with me, we could do all that stuff together, and maybe play hide and seek. Imagine that, in such a big area. How fun!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Blog Prompt: What do you think you would like to do after High School? Which career, where to go, what to do? Explain why :)! high school, I'd like to attend college and study animation. The universities I've looked into are all over the nation, from California to Virginia. I'm still uncertain about which one I'll go to. My dream job is to be a Disney animator. With the money I earn, I'd also love to travel somewhere out of the country at least once. Most especially, Italy. Working for Disney is a goal I decided on nearly a year ago, and I'll wish upon every star in the world for me to reach it. After all, "when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true." -Pinocchio

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Blog Prompt: If you could magically get the power to cast one spell for the rest of your life, what spell would you choose and why? Make up a name and purpose for your spell.

Itio Statim Momento:

   This spell would instantly transport you to any location. The name translates into, "traveling at the moment" in Latin. I would love to be able to go anywhere at anytime with just a few words and a flick of my wrist. No need for a car, no need to pay for gas, and traveling to someplace like Italy or China would cost so much less without travel expenses.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Blog Prompt: You have a source at the CDC and she has just informed you that the government has confirmed that the Zombie Apocalypse has begun. You have 24 hours to prepare before people in your town start turning. How will you use your time to prepare for the apocalypse?

I would spend the first four hours gathering as many supplies as necessary--food, blankets, etc. I'd go to the supermarket and take non-perishable items, water, and backpacks. At home, I'd probably take just one item with sentimental value, and pack clothes. For the next two hours, I'd call my friends and family and gather them up so that we could travel together. Strength in numbers, right? With sixteen hours left, I might just take pictures, which seems a bit weird, but I'd like to look back at a time when everything was okay. Afterwards, we'd leave. I don't know where we'd go, or what we'd do, but we'd probably just explore, trying to avoid the zombies as best as possible. If we happen to run into one, step-dad knows how to use a gun.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Blog Prompt: Write a paragraph about space. Include the following words: hard drive, tape, keyboard, program, control

These days, we're always looking for more space. We need more room to keep our things--our data, our programs, our software, our everything. It's these days that make us just wish we can pluck a piece of expanse from outer space...just take some room from beyond Earth (not like it'll ever run out, right?) and stick it onto our own hard drive, like you're taping more capacity onto your computer instead of having to erase something or buy a better hard drive. Just a click of a button on your keyboard and poof! You stole a piece of space, and it's yours to control. How cool would that be?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Blog Prompt: If you could travel anywhere and anytime (past, present, or future) where would you go? Why?

I would go to Venice in the present. I would absolutely love to walk along the sidewalk, looking at the canals and quaint little shops. Exploring the many small streets and alleys, discovering the hidden nooks and crannies, adventuring through the watery streets and antique sounds like a dream. Not to mention it's Italy, and the food is bound to be fantastic. When I was just a little girl, I read a book that took place in Venice, and since then, I've wanted to see it for myself. I've wanted to ride the gondolas, sit in one of the grand theatres, order coffee from one of the small cafes, admire the architecture... It sounds like a great adventure.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Blog Prompt: If you could change the world by developing a device using computer science, what would it be and how would it change the world we live in? Describe it in one paragraph.

I've noticed that I, and many others, often have tons of homework, even at times when we would do fine without. I'd develop a program that could analyze each individuals' mind and determine what kind of academic help they need. Often times, we are burdened with homework that doesn't actually help us, even if it gives us practice, because we already know that topic or subject so well. The program would be a small device that would attach to any part of your skin. At the beginning of each school year, you would enter which classes you are taking and it would follow your progress and decide when you don't need any further help. It would go through and decide which subjects you need the most work on and which ones you have already learned well. The device would have a screen to display which subjects you should no longer study, and have abbreviations for each one. For example, perhaps GEO for geometry or PHY for physics. The individual would continue taking the class, but would no longer be burdened with homework that only takes up time that they could be using to work on things that they really need help on.

Today's camp session went really well. I particularly enjoyed doing HTML. I look forward to seeing everyone's finished products!

New Faces

From the moment the camp started up, I've encountered a flurry of new people, and I'm super excited to get to know them all during this week. I've already met one incredibly nice person, Benita. Some things that I learned about her were that she enjoys reading (my fellow kin!), her favorite food is ice cream, and her favorite color is pink. It was fun to get to know her, and I'm glad to be spending the week with her during camp.